
  • 2023
    165 Students
    Operating Systems and C
    IT University of Copenhagen
    • Responsible for all teaching assistants.
    • Responsible for grading the written exam, along-side the other teacher.
    • Responsible for the execution of exercises.
    • Responsible for lectures on
      • Caching
      • Process
      • Virtual Memory / Dynamic Memory
      • I/O: Files & Sockets
      • Linux
    • Student Satisfaction Ratings
      • The teacher's teaching aided my learning: 4.54 / 6.00 [avg = 4.20, n = 2]
      • The teacher contributed to an inclusive learning environment: 4.25 / 6.00 [avg = 4.18, n = 2]
      • Note that the student satisfaction may have been impacted by clerical errors by the study administration.
  • 2022
    193 Students
    Operating Systems and C
    IT University of Copenhagen
    • Responsible for all teaching assistants.
    • Responsible for designing the written exam.
    • Responsible for the execution of exercises.
    • Responsible for lectures on
      • Process
      • Communication
    • Student Satisfaction Ratings
      • The teacher's teaching aided my learning: 5.16 / 6.00 [avg = 4.96, n = 2]
      • The teacher contributed to an inclusive learning environment: 5.27 / 6.00 [avg = 5.19, n = 2]
  • 2021
    19 Students
    Computer Systems Performance
    IT University of Copenhagen
    • Responsible for the execution of exercises.
    • Responsible for lectures on eBPF.
    • Student Satisfaction Ratings
      • The teacher's teaching aided my learning: 5.00 / 6.00 [avg = 5.00, n = 3]
      • The teacher contributed to an inclusive learning environment: 5.00 / 6.00 [avg = 5.00, n = 3]
  • 2020
    168 Students
    Teaching Assistant
    Operating Systems and C
    IT University of Copenhagen
    • Responsible for all teaching assistants.
    • Responsible for the execution of exercises.
    • Responsible link between the lecturer and students during the Zoom sessions.
    • Student Satisfaction Ratings
      • The teacher's teaching aided my learning: 4.23 / 6.00 [avg = 4.30, n = 2]
      • The teacher contributed to an inclusive learning environment: 4.31 / 6.00 [avg = 4.19, n = 2]
      • Note that the student satisfaction may have been impacted by the pandemic, and the effects of rapdidly changing circumstances.