Niclas Hedam


Office 4E10

Rued Langgaards Vej 7

DK-2300 København S


Hey there! I’m Niclas and I’m currently a PhD Fellow at the IT University of Copenhagen in the Data-intensive Systems and Applications group. I’m interested in exploring the intersection between information security and data systems, and my goal is to figure out how to guarantee the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of modern data systems and computational storage.

I’ve been working in the field of computer science for a while starting with my Bachelor’s degree in Software Development in 2019 and then moving on to specialize in information security during my Master’s degree in Computer Science in 2022. Before starting my PhD, I was a Research Assistant at ITU, where I got to work with some amazing researchers and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that I could tackle in my PhD.

Right now, I’m working on a project called Delilah, which is a computational storage framework built to experiment with eBPF-based offload in the context of large-scale data pipelines. The goal is to make data pipelines more efficient and scalable while still keeping them secure. I’m proud to say that I was the one (at least as far as I know of) who created the first publicly described computational storage device that runs eBPF.

I’m really interested in cross-disciplinary research, and my key areas of focus include data systems, information security, privacy by design, and computational storage. Thanks for stopping by!
